Ash Wednesday – Repent and Believe.

ash wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday. It is, without fail, our most highly attended midweek event (sorry for the crass term) each year. It is a dark, somber service where Andrew repeatedly tells us we’re sinners who are going to die. But every year, more and more people show up.

I wonder why.

On staff, we’ve talked about it at length. Is it because we have a lot of people with Roman Catholic backgrounds? Is it because of the cool swag you leave with on your forehead? Does it strangely just fall at a convenient time for people?

Why do you come?

I don’t know why people arrive in droves on Ash Wednesday, but I know it’s important that we do. I know it matters that we hear those words said to us as ashes are imposed on our heads:

“From dust you came and to dust you shall return. Repent and believe the Gospel.”

It’s true. You’re a sinner and you’re going to die. Your only hope is Jesus. Your only hope is repenting from your sins, believing that Jesus died for you, and believing that he is your Savior.

You’re a sinner and you’re going to die. Repent and believe. I hope to see you at one of the services.

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